Significance of American Chemical Society (ACS) logo

Significance of American Chemical Society (ACS) logo The square shaped ACS logo has two triangular parts. The upper half consists of a mythological phoenix bird rising from the flame. The phoenix bird symbolizes immortality, like energy, and in ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology it is associated with the sun god, the supreme source of energy. The lower half consists of letter ACS along with 'Liebig kaliapparat glass apparatus'. The color of the upper half is of gold whereas the bottom half is of cobalt blue which represent fire and water respectively, the key components of chemistry. The Liebig kaliapparat glass apparatus was developed by German chemist Baron Justus von Liebig in 1830. He is widely considered as the father of organic chemistry. Justus von Liebig (1803-73) Kaliapparat glass apparatus is a small triangular hollow glass apparatus with five bulbs inserted along its three arms. The field of organic synthesis started with this apparatus and first precise...