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Educational qualifications of Indian Presidents

Educational qualifications of Indian Presidents

15. Smt Draupadi Murmu (1958-)

Place of Birth: Orissa

Term of Office: 25 July, 2022 to till date.

Education: BA in hindi from Ramadevi Women's College, Bhubaneswar, Orissa

Specialty: Reached the highest post from very humble background, First tribal president, 2nd woman president, 1st president born after India’s independence,
2nd president from Orissa.

14. Shri Ram Nath Kovind (1945-)

Place of Birth: Uttar Pradesh

Term of Office: 25 July, 2017- 25 July, 2022.

Education: B.Com and LLB Degree from Kanpur University

Specialty: Reached the highest office of the country from very humble background, 2nd President from Schedule caste community. 

13. Shri Pranab Mukherjee (1935-2020)


Place of Birth: West Bengal

Term of Office: 25 July, 2012 to 25 July, 2017

Education: Degree in Law from the University of Kolkata. Master’s degree in History and Political Science

Specialty: Long experienced public life, 1st bengali president

12. Smt Pratibha Devisingh Patil (1934-)

Place of Birth: Maharashtra

Term of Office: 25 July, 2007 to 25 July, 2012

Education: Law degree from Government Law College, Bombay. Master’s degree in political science and economics at Moolji Jaitha College, Jalgaon, Maharashtra

Specialty: 1st woman president

11. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (1931-2015)

Place of Birth: Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu

Term of Office: 25 July, 2002 to 25 July, 2007

Education: Aeronautical Engineering from Madras Institute of Technology.

Specialty: 1st scientist president, 2nd president from Muslim community, 2nd president from Tamil Nadu

10. Shri K. R. Narayanan (Kocheril Raman Narayanan) (1920 - 2005)


Place of Birth: Kerala

Term of Office:
25 July, 1997 to 25 July, 2002

Education: M. A. (English Literature), First Class First, University of Travancore (University of Kerala), 

B.Sc. (Economics), First Class Honours, London School of Economics.

Specialty: Ex Indian foreign service diplomat to hold the post. He worked as a journalist for the Hindu (1944–45) and the Times of India (1945).

9. Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma (1918-1999)

Place of Birth: Madhya Pradesh

Term of Office: 25 July, 1992 to 25 July, 1997

Education: M.A., LLM,, Ph.D. (Cambridge University). Diploma in Public Administration (London), Bar-at-Law (Lincoln's Inn) Fellow, Harvard Law School, Zurich University and Paris University.

Specialty: Freedom fighter, Ex chief minister to hold this post

8. Shri R Venkataraman (1910-2009)


Place of Birth: Tamil Nadu

Term of Office: 25 July, 1987 to 25 July, 1992

Education: M.A., B.L., Doctorate of Social Sciences (University of Roorkee)

Speciality: 1st Tamil President, freedom fighter, Member of constitution draft committee

7. Shri Zail Singh (1916-1994)

Place of Birth: Faridkot district , Punjab

Term of Office:
25 July, 1982 to 25 July, 1987

Education: He pursued traditional studies in Sikh holy books and earned the title Giani (“Learned Man”) for his scholarly mastery of the scriptures.

1st sikh to hold this post, Ex CM of Punjab

6. Shri Neelam Sanjiva Reddy (1913-1996)

Place of Birth: Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh

Term of Office: 25 July, 1977 to 25 July, 1982

Education: Graduate from Government Arts College, Anantapur, University of Madras

Specialty: Elected unopposed, Freedom fighter, Ex CM of Andhra Pradesh. 

5. Shri Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed (1905-1977)

Place of birth: Delhi

Term of Office: 24 August, 1974 to 11 February, 1977

Education: Graduated from
St. Stephen's College, Delhi. 

Studied history from St. Catherine's College, Cambridge University.

2nd Muslim President of India

4. Shri VV Giri (Varahagiri Venkata Giri) (1894-1980)

Place of birth: Orissa

Term of Office: 3 May, 1969 to 20 July, 1969 and 24 August, 1969 to 24 August, 1974

Education: Graduation from
Khallikote College, Orissa. Studied lay from University College Dublin and the Honorable Society of King's Inns, Dublin, Ireland.

Specialty: 1st president from Orissa

3. Shri Zakir Husain (1897-1969)

Place of birth: Hyderabad, formerly Andhra Pradesh, Present Telengana

Term of Office: 13 May, 1967 to 3 May, 1969

Education: He completed his early education from Islamia High School in Etawah, Graduate from Anglo Muhammadan Oriental College (Aligarh Muslim University).

Specialty: 1st Muslim to hold the post, Co-founder of Jamia Milia Islamia.

2. Shri Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1888-1975)

Place of birth: Tiruttani town, Tiruvallur district, Tamil Nadu

Term of Office: 13 May, 1962 to 13 May, 1967

Education: BA and MA in Philosophy Madras Christian College.

Received Honorary Ph.D. (Moscow University, 1964), Honorary Doctor of Law (National University of Ireland, 1964) etc from several other universities [Indiapics].

Specialty: 1st telegu speaking president, Ex (1st) Vice President of India

1. Dr. Rajendra Prasad (1884-1963)

Place of birth: Bihar

Term of Office: 26 January, 1950 to 13 May, 1962

Education: B.Sc. from Presidency College in Calcutta. M.A. in Economics from the University of Calcutta, Masters of Law examination at the University of Calcutta. Doctorate in law from Allahabad University.

Specialty: 1st President of India


Disclaimer: Honorary degree not included because of obvious reason



President of India


Vice President 



Economics Times

NCR News 



Read also

Educational qualification of Indian Prime ministers 

Educational qualifications of World leaders (Prime ministers/ President)


  1. Truly Appreciable Information Dr Debashish Saha Sir. Congratulations for your scientific efforts 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    1. Thank you Dear Reader. Continue reading, commenting and sharing.


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