100+ features of Karlsruhe Nuclide Chart, Part 5
100+ features of Karlsruhe Nuclide Chart, Part 5
1. Color scheme
Pure decay modes are indicated by a single colour.
Mixed decay modes are indicated by the use of coloured triangles.
Black is for stable nuclides
Blue is for b- decay
Red is for electron capture or b+ decay (e/b+)
Yellow is for alpha decay
Light blue is used for neutron decay
Light brown for proton decay,
Green for spontaneous fission,
Violet for cluster decay or cluster emission and
White for isomeric transition.
2. Multiple color scheme: Multiple decay scheme: How are they arranged
A small coloured triangle in the top left or bottom right indicates a branching ratio for this mode of ≥5% (conversely, the major mode has a branching ratio of ≥95%)
3. Small (5%) Triangle on the
top left corner: proton or alpha emission
bottom right corner: β- emission or spontaneous fission emission
Cluster emission is always indicated with a small triangle in the top right corner.
4. Major triangle (95%)
For ε/β+, the red triangle is at the bottom right if the main mode is alpha or proton emission.
Otherwise, the red triangle is at the top left
For isomer transition IT, the white triangle is at the
bottom right if the main mode is a- or p- emission or ε/β+,
otherwise it is at the top left corner.
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All are highlighted in text.
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