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Educational qualification of top 10 CEOs of Indian companies

Educational qualification of CEOs of top 10 Indian companies

1. Mukesh Ambani

BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Mumbai

Reliance Industries

Market Cap (Billion $): 285.6

Energy, Petrochemicals, Textiles, Natural resources, Retail, Telecommunications

2. Gautam Adani

Bachelor of Commerce from Gujarat University

Adani Group 

 Market Cap (Billion $): 240.4 

Infrastructure & Commodities

3. N. Chandrasekaran

BE in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the Regional Institute of Technology Trichy, PGDBM from the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

Tata Consultancy Services 

 Market Cap (Billion $): 179.4 

IT Services

4. Salil Parekh

BE in Electronics & Telecommunications from the University of Mumbai, PGDBM from the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad


Market Cap (Billion $): 111.5 

IT Services

5. Sashidhar Jagdishan 

Science Graduate (Physics) from Mumbai University, Qualified Chartered Accountant, Master's degree in Economics of Money Banking & Finance from the University of Sheffield, UK.
HDFC Bank 

Market Cap (Billion $): 68.1 

Banking & Financial Services

6. Vibha Padalkar

BA in Statistics from Elphinstone College, Mumbai, PGDM from the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
HDFC Life Insurance Company 

 Market Cap (Billion $): 68.1 


7. Sandeep Bakhshi

 BCom from the University of Mumbai, CA from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Market Cap (Billion $): 63.6 

Banking & Financial Services

8. Sanjiv Bajaj 

BTech in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, MBA from Harvard Business School
Bajaj Finance 

Market Cap (Billion $): 53.6 

 Financial Services

9. Sunil Bharti Mittal

 BA from Punjab University, Chandigarh

Bharti Airtel 

Market Cap (Billion $): 53.1 


10. Rohit Jawa

Bachelor’s degree from St Stephen’s College and an MBA from the Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, India. Completed Breakthrough Program for Senior Executives from IMD Business School, Lausanne, Switzerland. Also completed the Advanced Management Program from Harvard Business School in 2022.
Hindustan Unilever 

Market Cap (Billion $): 52.4 

Consumer Goods


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